Parto's Big on Golf is now accepting your Golf Leagues for play.
For information contact Parto's at:
(239) 404 - 1117
(330) 743 - 6718
Youth League - Mondays 10am
$20 to Join & $6 Weekly
Mens League - Wednesdays 4:30-6:30pm
$30 to Join & $14 Weekly
Ladies League - Tuesdays 9am/5pm tee off
$30 to Join & $11 Weekly
All leagues include field days with golf, lunch & prizes.
Start a league, play for free - call for details
Sunday Family Fun Day!
Family of four 9 holes, large bucket of balls $25 after 2pm
13 & Under team
$350 to join
One individual lesson and Parto's membership included with sign up
Includes team kit, meet and greet, matches, practices/instruction and year end wrap up party.
Three time League Champs!
Sign up on